Collaborative Financial Planning

Many individuals confuse financial planning with general savings and investing advice. Along with the protection offered through insurance and the goal setting provided by investment choices, money management strategies help you manage your savings on a daily basis. You need to understand the role of financial planning in meeting your short, medium and long-term goals.

Why Financial Planning is Important

A well-grounded financial plan is essential for anyone who wishes to accomplish specific goals. Whether you want to own a home, make sure your children’s education is well funded or ensuring a smooth and stress-free retirement all of these come together under a unified financial plan. The scope of your plan should cover key aspects such as Saving, Budgeting, Investing, Tax planning, Insurance planning, Retirement planning, Estate planning and much more.

What We Can Do for You

Depending on your stage in life, chances are you will have a distinct approach to saving. New graduates or young couples have different needs than retirees or mid-career families. But no matter your personal situation we can help you develop financial habits that will lay a solid foundation for your savings.

  • Develop a Comprehensive Collaborative Financial Plan – Your financial plan will be unique to you based on your goals and stage of life.
    • Those just starting out – You have a number of benefits in terms of financial management. Low insurance costs and a long investment horizon can make for an excellent financial base. We will help you build on these advantages, while at the same time considering a debt load that might include student loans, car payments or a mortgage.
    • Planning your Family – Couples planning for a first child enter in a new level of commitment – both personally and financially. Learn how to save for a child through specialized insurance and investment products such as a 529 Qualified Tuition Plan.
    • Mid-Career – This group typically has higher incomes than younger investors – but they also carry more responsibilities. From mortgage payments to a child’s education, consider a financial plan that balances your needs, goals, and obligations.
    • Retirees – The children have likely moved out; your mortgage is mostly paid off and your investments have grown. However, income levels may have dropped. Find out how to manage your finances in a way that allows you to fully enjoy the fruits of your hard work.
  • A key part of the financial planning process is considering tax implications. We will access products and services that help reduce your taxes. Charitable contributions, life insurance policies and investment products purchased through RRSPs or RESPs can all be useful tools in an effective tax strategy.
  • Provide for your loved ones or heirs in the event of death through estate planning.
  • Your financial plans will be ever changing and we will be there each step of the way by meeting periodically to ensure everything is in place protect your assets and accumulate wealth.